Crystal structure of p. aeruginosa bacteriophytochrome pabphp photosensory core domain mutant q188l
Knot K 41 41
Knot core range Knot core length Knot tails range Slipknot tails range Slipknot loops range N-end length C-end length Type
view details
41 18-256 239 1-17, 257-489 17 233 knot
Chain Sequence
Whole chain analysis
Subchain analysis 

Knotoid cutoff: 0.5

Knotoid matrix content: 1

Knot core range Knot core length Knot tails range Slipknot tails range Slipknot loops range N-end length C-end length Type
view details
4.1 16-294 279 1-15, 295-457 15 163 knot
view details
3.2m 16-253 238 1-15 264-457 254-263 15 194 slipknot
view details
3.2m 16-264 249 1-15 292-457 265-291 15 166 slipknot
view details
3.2m 18-291 274 1-11, 299-457 12-17, 292-298 11 159 slipknot
view details
4.1 18-298 281 299-457 1-15 16-17 15 158 slipknot
view details
3.2 20-295 276 296-457 1-17 18-19 17 161 slipknot
view details
3.2 21-334 314 1-19, 434-457 20-20, 335-433 19 24 slipknot
sequence length 489
structure length 457
publication title Conformational differences between the Pfr and Pr states in Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteriophytochrome
pubmed doi rcsb
molecule tags Signaling protein
molecule keywords Bacteriophytochrome
source organism Pseudomonas aeruginosa
missing residues 363-365, 391-400, 412-416, 429-442
total genus Genus: 120
ec nomenclature ec Histidine kinase.
pdb deposition date 2009-02-07
KnotProt deposition date 2014-07-31

pfam database annotations

chain Pfam Accession Code Pfam Family Identifier Pfam Description
A PF00360 PHY Phytochrome region
Image from the rcsb pdb (www.rcsb.org)
...loading similar chains, please wait...
similar chains in the KnotProt database (?% sequence similarity)
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similar chains in the pdb database (?% sequence similarity)

#similar chains in the KnotProt database (?% sequence similarity)
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#similar chains, but unknotted
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#similar chains in the pdb database (?% sequence similarity)
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KnotProt | Interdisciplinary Laboratory of Biological Systems Modelling
Application loaded.