Crystal structure of much37-hrpn13 ctd complex
  • Chain breaks within knot 52 (displayed as a gray area on the plot and as '-' on the sequence). The broken part of the chain has been replaced by a straight segment, which may affect what knot types are detected - be careful with interpreting results.
  • Chain breaks within knot 31 (displayed as a gray area on the plot and as '-' on the sequence). The broken part of the chain has been replaced by a straight segment, which may affect what knot types are detected - be careful with interpreting results.
Knot K -52 -31 -31
Knot core range Knot core length Knot tails range Slipknot tails range Slipknot loops range N-end length C-end length Type
view details
-52 5-219 215 1-4, 220-313 4 94 knot
view details
-31 6-160 155 1-5 217-313 161-216 5 97 slipknot
Chain Sequence
Whole chain analysis
Subchain analysis 

Knotoid cutoff: 0.5

Knotoid matrix content: 1

Knot core range Knot core length Knot tails range Slipknot tails range Slipknot loops range N-end length C-end length Type
view details
4.4m 9-210 202 1-8, 211-296 8 86 knot
view details
3.1m 6-152 147 1-5 162-296 153-161 5 135 slipknot
view details
2.1m 4-161 158 1-3 165-296 162-164 3 132 slipknot
view details
1.1m 6-167 162 1-5 172-296 168-171 5 125 slipknot
view details
3.1m 4-185 182 1-3 205-296 186-204 3 92 slipknot
view details
5.2m 4-209 206 1-3 250-296 210-249 3 47 slipknot
sequence length 313
structure length 296
publication title Structural Basis for the Activation and Inhibition of the UCH37 Deubiquitylase.
doi rcsb
molecule tags Protein binding
molecule keywords Ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase isozyme L5
source organism Mus musculus
missing residues 146-155, 242-248
total genus Genus: 100
ec nomenclature
pdb deposition date 2014-10-08
KnotProt deposition date 2015-03-05
Image from the rcsb pdb (www.rcsb.org)
similar chains in the KnotProt database (40% sequence similarity)
similar chains in the pdb database (40% sequence similarity)

#similar chains in the KnotProt database (40% sequence similarity)
3A7S A; 3IHR A; 3RIS A; 4UEL A; 4UEM A; 4UF5 A; 4UF6 A; 4WLP A; 4WLR A; 
#similar chains, but unknotted

#similar chains in the pdb database (40% sequence similarity)

KnotProt | Interdisciplinary Laboratory of Biological Systems Modelling
Application loaded.