Crystal structure of trmd, a m1g37 trna methyltransferase with sam-competitive compounds
Knot K +31
Knot core range Knot core length Knot tails range Slipknot tails range Slipknot loops range N-end length C-end length Type
view details
+31 89-133 45 1-88, 134-249 88 116 knot
Chain Sequence
Whole chain analysis
Subchain analysis 

Knotoid cutoff: 0.5

Knotoid matrix content: 1

Knot core range Knot core length Knot tails range Slipknot tails range Slipknot loops range N-end length C-end length Type
view details
3.1 89-134 46 1-88, 135-244 88 110 knot
view details
2.1 86-131 46 1-85 137-244 132-136 85 108 slipknot
view details
3.1 91-215 125 1-88, 237-244 89-90, 216-236 88 8 slipknot
view details
2.1 91-236 146 237-244 1-88 89-90 88 7 slipknot
sequence length 249
structure length 244
publication title Crystal structure of TrmD, a M1G37 tRNA Methyltransferase with SAM-competitive compounds
molecule tags Transferase/transferase inhibitor
molecule keywords tRNA (guanine-N(1)-)-methyltransferase
source organism Haemophilus influenzae (strain atcc 51907 / dsm 11121 / kw20 / rd)
missing residues 165-166, 170-172
total genus Genus: 70
ec nomenclature
pdb deposition date 2015-03-13
KnotProt deposition date 2015-11-11
Image from the rcsb pdb (www.rcsb.org)
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similar chains in the KnotProt database (?% sequence similarity)
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similar chains in the pdb database (?% sequence similarity)

#similar chains in the KnotProt database (?% sequence similarity)
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#similar chains, but unknotted
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#similar chains in the pdb database (?% sequence similarity)
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KnotProt | Interdisciplinary Laboratory of Biological Systems Modelling
Application loaded.