Deinococcus radiodurans bphp pas-gaf-phy y263f mutant, pre-illuminated
  • Chain breaks within knot 41 (displayed as a gray area on the plot and as '-' on the sequence). The broken part of the chain has been replaced by a straight segment, which may affect what knot types are detected - be careful with interpreting results.
Knot K 41
Knot core range Knot core length Knot tails range Slipknot tails range Slipknot loops range N-end length C-end length Type
view details
41 29-269 241 1-28, 270-499 28 230 knot
Chain Sequence
Whole chain analysis
Subchain analysis 

Knotoid cutoff: 0.5

Knotoid matrix content: 1

Knot core range Knot core length Knot tails range Slipknot tails range Slipknot loops range N-end length C-end length Type
view details
4.1 28-303 276 1-27, 304-492 27 189 knot
view details
3.2m 26-259 234 1-25 269-492 260-268 25 224 slipknot
view details
3.2m 16-268 253 1-15 272-492 269-271 15 221 slipknot
view details
3.2m 27-274 248 1-26 300-492 275-299 26 193 slipknot
view details
4.1 21-268 248 1-15, 272-492 16-20, 269-271 15 221 slipknot
view details
4.1 30-299 270 300-492 1-22 23-29 22 192 slipknot
view details
3.2 31-303 273 304-492 1-29 30-30 29 188 slipknot
sequence length 499
structure length 492
publication title On the (un)coupling of the chromophore, tongue interactions and overall conformation in a bacterial phytochrome.
pubmed doi rcsb
molecule tags Transferase
molecule keywords Bacteriophytochrome
source organism Deinococcus radiodurans (strain atcc 13939 / dsm 20539 / jcm 16871 / lmg 4051 /
missing residues 102, 125-128, 452-453
total genus Genus: 142
ec nomenclature
pdb deposition date 2017-04-05
KnotProt deposition date 2018-04-18
Image from the rcsb pdb (www.rcsb.org)
...loading similar chains, please wait...
similar chains in the KnotProt database (?% sequence similarity)
...loading similar chains, please wait...
similar chains in the pdb database (?% sequence similarity)

#similar chains in the KnotProt database (?% sequence similarity)
...loading similar chains, please wait...
#similar chains, but unknotted
...loading similar chains, please wait...
#similar chains in the pdb database (?% sequence similarity)
...loading similar chains, please wait...

KnotProt | Interdisciplinary Laboratory of Biological Systems Modelling
Application loaded.