Design, synthesis, and x-ray of selenides bearing benzenesulfonamide moiety with neuropathic pain modulating effects
Knot K +31
Knot core range Knot core length Knot tails range Slipknot tails range Slipknot loops range N-end length C-end length Type
view details
+31 25-256 232 1-24, 257-260 24 4 knot
Chain Sequence
Note, that the numbers in the matrix denote the consecutive residues in the loop, not the index of amino acids in the chain!
Knot K 3x +31
Knot core range Knot core length Knot tails range Slipknot tails range Slipknot loops range N-end length C-end length Type
+ 31 25-256 232 1-24, 257-260 24 4 knot
Fingerprint Knot forming loop Loop type
K +31
Chain closureSer2 <-> Lys261
... His96 <->
Bridging ionZn301
<-> His94 ... Ser2
K +31 Ser2 ... His96 <->
Bridging ionZn301
<-> His119 ...
Chain closureLys261 <-> Ser2
K +31 Ser2 ... His94 <->
Bridging ionZn301
<-> His119 ...
Chain closureLys261 <-> Ser2
Chain Sequence
Whole chain analysis
Subchain analysis 

Knotoid cutoff: 0.5

Knotoid matrix content: 1

Knot core range Knot core length Knot tails range Slipknot tails range Slipknot loops range N-end length C-end length Type
view details
3.1 26-257 232 1-25, 258-259 25 2 knot
view details
2.1 26-253 228 1-25 258-259 254-257 25 2 slipknot
sequence length 259
structure length 259
publication title Design, synthesis and X-ray crystallography of selenides bearing benzenesulfonamide moiety with neuropathic pain modulating effects.
pubmed doi rcsb
molecule tags Lyase/lyase inhibitor
molecule keywords Carbonic anhydrase 2
source organism Homo sapiens
total genus Genus: 77
ec nomenclature
pdb deposition date 2018-04-12
KnotProt deposition date 2018-10-19
Image from the rcsb pdb (www.rcsb.org)
similar chains in the KnotProt database (40% sequence similarity)
similar chains in the pdb database (40% sequence similarity)

#similar chains in the KnotProt database (40% sequence similarity)
1CNW A; 1CNX A; 1CNY A; 1EOU A; 1G6V A; 1HCA A; 1KWQ A; 1KWR A; 1T9N A; 
#similar chains, but unknotted

#similar chains in the pdb database (40% sequence similarity)

KnotProt | Interdisciplinary Laboratory of Biological Systems Modelling
Application loaded.